Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
TAZ numeric TAZ

Tranportation Analysis Zone Number

POPULATION numeric Population

Total Population

GRPQRTS numeric GrpQrts

Group Quarters Population (Institutional and Non-Institutional)

K-12 numeric K-12

Resident population enrolled in Nursery School Kindergarten or Grades 1-12

UNIV numeric Univ

Resident population enrolled in College or Graduate School

AUTOS numeric Autos

Total Vehicles Available

HOUSEHOLDS numeric Households

Total Households

HH_0VEH numeric HH_0Veh

Households with 0 vehicles

HH_1VEH numeric HH_1Veh

Households with 1 vehicle

HH_2VEH numeric HH_2Veh

Households with 2 vehicles

HH_3_PLUS_VEH numeric HH_3_Plus_Veh

Households with 3+ vehicles

HH_0WORKER numeric HH_0Worker

Households with 0 workers

HH_1WORKER numeric HH_1Worker

Households with 1 workers

HH_2WORKER numeric HH_2Worker

Households with 2 workers

HH_3_PLUS_WORKER numeric HH_3_Plus_Worker

Households with 3+ workers

HHS_LO_INC numeric HHs_Lo_Inc

Households with income between 0 and 50K

HHS_HI_INC numeric HHs_Hi_Inc

Households with income above 50K

EMPRES numeric EmpRes

Employed Resident Workers

HH_LO_INC_0WORKERS numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_0Workers

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 0 workers

HH_LO_INC_1WORKER numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_1Worker

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 1 worker

HH_LO_INC_2WORKERS numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_2Workers

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 2 workers

HH_LO_INC_3_PLUS_WORKERS numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_3_Plus_Workers

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 3 or more workers

HHS_HI_INC_0WORKERS numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_0Workers

Households with income above 50K and 0 workers

HHS_HI_INC_1WORKER numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_1Worker

Households with income above 50K and 1 worker

HHS_HI_INC_2WORKERS numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_2Workers

Households with income above 50K and 2 workers

HHS_HI_INC_3_PLUS_WORKERS numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_3_Plus_Workers

Households with income above 50K and 3 or more workers

HH_LO_INC_1PERSON numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_1Person

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 1 person

HH_LO_INC_2PERSON numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_2Person

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 2 persons

HH_LO_INC_3PERSON numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_3Person

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 3 persons

HH_LO_INC_4_PLUS_PERSON numeric HHs_Lo_Inc_4_Plus_Person

Households with income between 0 and 50K and 4 or more persons

HHS_HI_INC_1PERSON numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_1Person

Households with income above 50K and 1 person

HHS_HI_INC_2PERSON numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_2Person

Households with income above 50K and 2 persons

HHS_HI_INC_3PERSON numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_3Person

Households with income above 50K and 3 persons

HHS_HI_INC_4_PLUS_PERSON numeric HHs_Hi_Inc_4_Plus_Person

Households with income above 50K and 4 or more persons

AG_MINING numeric Ag_Mining

Agriculture forestry fishing and hunting and mining (NAICS: 11 21)

CONSTRUCTION numeric Construction

Construction (NAICS: 23)

MANUFACTURING numeric Manufacturing

Manufacturing (NAICS: 31-33)

WHOLESALE_TRADE numeric Wholesale_Trade

Wholesale trade (NAICS: 42)

RETAIL_TRADE numeric Retail_Trade

Retail trade (NAICS: 45-45)

TRANSPORT_WH_UTIL numeric Transport_Wh_Util

Transportation and warehousing and utilities (NAICS: 48-49 22)

INFORMATION numeric Information

Information Services (NAICS: 51)

FIRE numeric FIRE

Finance insurance real estate and rental and leasing (NAICS: 52-53)

PROF_SERVICES numeric Prof_Services

Professional scientific management administrative and waste management services (NAICS: 54-56)

EDS-MEDS numeric Eds-Meds

Educational health and social services (NAICS: 61-62)

ARTS/REC/FOOD numeric Arts/Rec/Food

Arts entertainment recreation accommodation and food services (NAICS: 71-72)

OTHER_SERVICES numeric Other_Services

Other services (except public administration) (NAICS: 81)

PUBLIC_ADMIN numeric Public_Admin

Public administration (NAICS: 92)

ARMED_FORCES numeric Armed_Forces

Armed forces (from Census Transportation Planning Products--CTPP)

TOTAL_EMPLOYMENT numeric Total_Employment

Total Employment

Additional Information

Field Value
Metadata last updated January 10, 2023
Format CSV
License DVRPC Data License
Publication Date 2021-06-24